Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Off the Beaten Path Hawaii by Sean Pager

I mentioned that, while we were on Oahu, we stayed with some friends who had just moved to the island.  We tried very hard to show our appreciation to our friends for having us over in many ways.  One of those ways involved picking up a couple of books for them.  One was "Off the Beaten Path Hawaii" by Sean Pager.

We stopped by a book store on the island, and I saw this book and thought it would be perfect for our friends.  I had kind of forgotten how good (and thorough) the "Off the Beaten Path" books can be.

Well, as we stayed with our friends, I ended up doing some serious flipping through this one, and realized how good of a book it is.

I bought a copy for me (and read it quickly) AFTER we got home from Hawaii.  This was actually a good way FOR ME to do things.  As I mentioned before, I wanted to NOT read up too much on Hawaii.  I didn't want to obsess about it too much.  And Hawaii is that kind of place.  You have to go there and experience it to get it.

So, after going there, AND reading this book, I have a much better idea of what I might like to see when/if I go back.  Like many other states, Hawaii is one that I think will require multiple visits, or a really long one after I retire.

Off the Beaten Path Hawaii breaks things down by each of the main islands.  It gives some great history, details, and little known facts.  I learned that, in general, the island of Niihau is off limits to tourists...  BUT there is a way to make a brief visit.  One of the islands has a post office that encourages you to send a coconut back home.  There are also many caves and lava tubes you can visit.  The author gives a lot of interesting history, noting that many homes and other sites relating to King Kamehameha can be visited.  At one battle site, 800 skulls have been found.  Pager also gets into some discussion of the folklore of the islands.

Off the Beaten Path Hawaii ended up being a fun and informative read about Hawaii after I got back from my visit.

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