Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Sunday, May 5, 2019

"50 States 5000 Ideas" by Joe Yogerst

"50 States 5000 Ideas" by Joe Yogerst was given to me as a gift recently and I have REALLY enjoyed it!  In fact, I have simply spent a lot of time with this book....  reading through and writing stuff down.

I started reading through and quickly realized I needed to be taking notes.  Then it hit me that I didn't need to take notes; I would have to violate one of my personal rules about books and I would have to underline and make notes right in the book!

"50 States" is organized alphabetically by state, with each of the 50 states getting a few pages of things you will want to see in each state.  I know, this has been done before, but this book has a certain completeness to it.  The author comes off as enthusiastic about EVERY state as he tells you about what you will want to see in each one.  I felt like he hit all of the main attractions, and included several other lesser known places.

Side boxes included info on state capitals, little known facts, and other bits of trivia.  I LOVED reading about art inspired by the states (songs, movies, etc.).

AND info on the Canadian Provinces is included!

As you know, I do keep a list of all of the states, noting places I hope to visit one day.  This book REALLY brought a lot of places to my attention that were not on my radar!

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