Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

More pictures from our bus tour in South Dakota

We had a great time on the bus, working our way through Custer State Park and the surrounding areas.

We actually met some very interesting people on the ride too!  There was a very sweet solo traveler from West Virginia named Brandy.  She was just friendly to everyone, and was happy to be there.  There was a couple from New Jersey that we talked to a lot named Jack and Linda.  They had been married for 50 years (but they sure didn't look it).  Jack was from Lexington and Linda from Austin Texas!  She and her family had crossed paths with LBJ and one of my favorite hotels, the Driskill!  AND, they were planning to be at the Twin Towers on 9/11 but their plans changed.  I hoped to talk to them more about their great stories, but I wasn't able to.

Anyway, we did see some great critters on the tour, including some bison.

AND, bus driver Reverend Bill kept driving the bus through progressively smaller tunnels on the Needles Highway.

He played it up too.  As we went through the last tunnel, with literally just a couple of inches on either side.....  People were hanging out at the other end to take pictures.

Bill put his hazards on, faked passing out, he fell on the horn (in efforts to fake something bad happening).  Everything was fine though.  As Bill drove out of the tunnel, he put a "Student Driver" sign in his window.  I guess it was a "you had to be there" moment, but it was hysterical.  I laughed so hard I cried.

We had lunch at the State Game Lodge.  I had been pretty excited about this, as it served as the summer White House at different times, for Eisenhower and Coolidge.  We had prepurchased buffet lunch tickets on our trip.  The food was fine, but the Lodge seemed a bit unprepared for our bus tour.  The seating and paying situation was a bit confusing.  Still, it was cool stopping by.  Our visit was brief though, and I ended up not really getting the photos I would have liked to.  Next time in the area, I would want to spend more time here.

Still, this was a great way to see a LOT of the area in a short amount of time.  If I only had a day or two in the area....  this would be the perfect way to get a lot in!

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