Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Random Thoughts On Friday

Man, I hope everyone is doing OK!  Things have changed a lot lately....  and getting out and travelling around has become, well, different.

We have had 3 close friends diagnosed with the coronavirus over the last couple of months.  They all pulled through though, and we are grateful for that.  I am working from home myself, which has frankly been a treat.  We have left our house, cautiously, a few times.

I am absolutely itching to get out and hit the road.  Hopefully things will be safe soon.

I honestly don't like the way things are going (who does?).  But, I like social contact.  I like putting my arm around my pals, and giving old friends hugs.  I like slapping new friends on their arms, and shaking hands.

The sarcastic person in me also hates the optimistic now cliched commercials on constantly.  CONSTANTLY.  I don't want to hear, "We will get through this together" again.  Ever.  I would love to see a commercial with someone saying, "Screw this crap.  Lets get on with it!".  Thats just me though.

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