Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Monday, January 31, 2022

"Four Marys and a Jessie: The Story of the Lincoln Women" by C.J. King

 I picked up a signed copy of the very nicely researched book, "Four Marys and a Jessie:  The Story of the Lincoln Women" by CJ King when we visited Hildene in Manchester Vermont.  Hildene was build by Abraham Lincoln's son, Robert later in his life as a summer home.  It became the Lincoln Family home, and was occupied by a family member up until the mid 1970s.

You know I am up on my Abraham Lincoln history, but I really didn't know much about what happened to the family lineage after Robert Todd Lincoln's passing.  Well, this book lets you know what became of ALL of the Lincoln offspring.

In fact, I thought the title of the book kind of sold itself short.  CJ King really gives you the complete history of the next few generations of Lincolns... men and women.

Hildene and Manchester Vermont factor in to the story a lot too.....  and it was fascinating reading about the later Lincolns.  

I have to say that, as a fan of Honest Abe, Mary Todd, and Robert, it makes me a bit sad to know that the last of the lineage passed away in 1985.  The author of the book discusses the whole family, who they married, and how they related to each other.  Of course there is conflict and disagreements....  One of the family ends up having more than one unsuccessful marriage, and another flies airplanes!

I was very happy to pick this book up at the family house...  and I was able to read a lot of it while staying at the 1811 House in town, where Mary Lincoln Isham (Abe's Granddaughter) lived for almost 2 decades.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Concert Memories: Meatloaf, Cleveland Ohio. 12/18/1999

I'm sure that you have heard about the passing of legendary singer Meat Loaf.  I hated to hear it too, but it got me thinking about the larger than life vocalist.  I actually got to meet him once, and I saw him play a show in Cleveland, back in 1999.

So, thinking about that show, I got out some of my favorite Meat Loaf albums, which may have included a bootleg or two, and I thought about the man and his music.

Meat did a book and CD signing in town a few months before the show.  I went and got to meet him.  He was very friendly and chatty with everyone who came through the line.  He did photos and all. 

Oh, his book was a good read too.  There is an interesting story relating to the JFK assassination.  Another story involved him meeting Charles Manson. 

On December 18th, 1999 he did a show at the Cleveland Music Hall that my wife and I attended.  It was a great show, and it seemed to be pretty long too.... You got your money's worth.  I recall him doing Zevon's "Lawyer's Guns and Money" which is just a great song anytime.  He told a story about hearing that song and wanting to put it on his album.  He was unaware that the song was really well known at the time.  His band let him know he did not pluck that one out of obscurity.  It was a great story for a great recording of the song.

On this tour, he was doing a "storytellers" type of show.  You could ask him a question or comment about his music.

Oddly, it seemed to me that most people wanted to tell him stories about what his music meant to them.  I do recall a lady telling Meat that one of her children was conceived listening to his music.  

Meat Loaf was a vocal personality in his songs, and in his interactions with the audience.  He could have done stand up comedy.  I do recall him getting a lot of applause when he told a heckler to "shut the f--- up."

This was just a fun show, and I am glad that I have my memories of it.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Simon Pearce Restaurant and Mill in Quechee Vermont September 2021

We had an unforgettable meal at the Simon Pearce Restaurant in Queechee Vermont!

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Soldiers and Citizens Free Civil War Museum Alburgh Vermont September 2021

AND, just a few steps away from the previously mentioned "Room of Curiosities" at the New England Via Vermont gift shop, is the very well done "Soldiers and Citizens Free Civil War Museum" in Alburgh!

Friday, January 21, 2022

Room of Curiosities -Alburgh, Vermont September 2021

Check out the "Room of Curiosities" at the great little gift shop, New England Via Vermont in Alburgh Vermont!

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Swanton Vermont September 2021

 AND we also drove through the cute little town of Swanton Vermont in 2021!

Monday, January 17, 2022

"The St. Albans Raid: Confederates Attack on Vermont" by Michelle Arnosky Sherburne

I had another great find at the Yankee Bookshop in Woodstock Vermont, to go along with our visits to St. Albans!

"The St. Albans Raid:  Confederates Attack on Vermont" by Michelle Arnosky Sherburne gives all of the facts about the St. Albans Raid.

If you aren't familiar with it, some Confederates congregated in Canada and dropped down to St. Albans Vermont, robbing a few banks and justifying it as an act for the Confederacy.

They are chased back in to Canada by the people of St. Albans, but neutral Canadian authorities take over from there.

Some interesting legal wrangling goes on at that point.

There are some famous names mentioned in connection to the event, including Seward, Morgan, Davis, and others. 

 Interestingly, the author draws a link to John Wilkes Booth and his conspirators too.


Sunday, January 16, 2022

St Albans Vermont September 2021

 We were able to drive through the beautiful and historic city of St Albans Vermont on our recent New England road trip!  If you are interested in the Civil War, this town is VERY significant!  

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Norwich Inn Vermont September 2021

We were able to spend some time at the very historic Norwich Inn in Vermont in 2021!

Monday, January 10, 2022

Grand Isle Vermont September 2021

Here is a video about Grand Isle!  JUST when you thought Vermont could not be any more perfect!

Friday, January 7, 2022

Killington Mountain Lodge Vermont September 2021

While in Killington, we stayed at the Killington Mountain Lodge, which was going through some renovations.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Liquid Art Killington Vermont September 2021

While in the beautiful town of Killington Vermont, we had a delicious lunch at Liquid Art, a perfect little place for food and coffee!

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Killington Vermont September 2021

We also explored another great town in Vermont, Killington!