Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Friday, April 8, 2022

Red River Gorge Books by Don F. Fig

While hanging out in the Red River Gorge area recently, I came across these two volumes of books by a Search and Rescuer named Don F. Fig. 

I had not heard of Mr. Fig before, but...  I know that I don't see many books out there about the Gorge.

As I flipped through the books, I realized that Don Fig, unfortunately, passed away not long ago, and these are reprints of books he published during his life.

AND, I am thrilled to have these books in my collection.  

Both books have a very independent vibe to them.  There are grammatical mistakes, and the author does repeat himself a little, but those imperfections add to these books feeling...  well....  human.  You feel like you are listening to an expert telling his stories about the Gorge.

"Tales of the Red River Gorge" is the thicker volume, and it is kind of a folkish history of the area.  Don collected stories and histories from the locals in an effort to record a lot of the history before it could be lost.

"So That Others Might Live" is pretty much focused on search and rescue in the Gorge, of which Don was a part of for decades.  

The price tag for each book is a bit steep at $25....  but go ahead and splurge on these.  Proceeds go to charities including search and rescue.  If, like me, you like having interesting and unique books about local history in your collection, you will want these.

I tip my cap to The Gorge Underground gift shop and Daniel Boone Coffee (both a mile or so away from Natural Bridge) for stocking these books.

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