Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Our Norwegian Jewel Cruise to Alaska September 2022

 So, this was a trip that was several years in the making.  After our previous cruise (our first one) we talked briefly about doing Alaska.  It sounded good, so ,we made plans to do it in 2020!

Well, as you know Covid happened.  So, our cruise was pushed back a year.  Then another year as there were still concerns about the disease.  The trip was pushed out another year.

Each time the good people at Norwegian Cruise Lines kept upgrading us when agreed to not cancel and hold out for another year.  Before ya knew it, we really had a nice, VIP trip planned.

And here is a brief video on our cruise.  I will post other videos about where we stopped, and other things we did.

We flew in to Anchorage and spent a night.  The next day we took the Alaska Railroad to Seward.  We spent a night there the we got on the Norwegian Jewel.  The Jewel took us to several more cities, and we finally ended up in Vancouver British Columbia.  We would spend a few days there, then fly home.

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