Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Sunday, January 15, 2023

"The Saltville Massacre" by Thomas D. Mays

I found this unique and somewhat obscure title while shopping at the Sweet Read in Woodstock Georgia.  I was glad I found this one, as there isn't a lot out there on this battle/event.

This is a great little volume that can be read in a setting or two.  It flows well and definitely gives the reader a description of the battle, its participants and events around the battle.

In a very brief nutshell, the Union launches an attack to capture Saltville, and to control the salt being mined in the area.  Among the participants is the 5th U.S. Colored Cavalry.  Of Course, the utilization of black troops was a major issue at that time.  No doubt, the white Union troops would have given them a hard time....  and so would their opponents in the CSA.

"The Saltville Massacre" gives information on the battle, and especially the events after the battle, including accounts of what happened to the black prisoners and wounded after the fight.

Thomas D. Mays writes a nice outline of the battle, and I like how there are pictures of the participants, along with nice bios on the players.  Confederate heavyweights John C. Breckenridge and Basil Duke make appearances, as does the the villainous Champ Ferguson.

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