Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Thursday, June 8, 2023

"True Tales of Terror in the Caves of the World" by Paul Jay Stewart

I luckily found "True Tales of Terror in the Caves of the World" by Paul Jay Steward for a couple of bucks at a used book sale!  This is the reason I scavenge used book stores often.  This is a book that I had never heard of, but I knew I wanted it after flipping through it.

This one came out in 2005, and I will admit there were several stories that I had to google around about to see if there were any developments to some of these stories.  For example, Steward talks about a tale involving a wealthy businessman in Japan who is found to be a serial rapist.  The case was kind of developing at the time of the book being written.

All of the stories (and he keeps them informative but short) involve a cave and death.

I took notes as I was reading this one.  I am always fascinated by caves and weird stories that happen at them.

One cave in West Virginia involved a strange double murder, or murder suicide, most are still unsure about the events.  Another story covers the time that legendary Carlsbad Caverns was taken hostage!  More than one story involved entire groups of people meeting their end in caves.  There are more caves with American Civil War connections.  Native American legends are covered.  There is more.

This is just a very interesting book that any fan of caves will want to track down.

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