Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Concert Memories: Foreigner- Owensboro, KY 07/23/1993

 Foreigner in Owensboro....  This was one of the earlier concerts I remember going to at the Big E.

I think I went to almost all of the shows that I went to there with my pal Vernon.  The shows were kind of general admission, and my friend Vernon had a pal that worked at the Executive Inn.  He would always say hi to the guy, and we were almost always set close to the front.  We were set at a front table for this show, but Lou Gramm got mad at the security telling people to set down (and not dance around or stand), so he told the audience to feel free to get up, stand, move around...  and the fans sure did.

I remember Foreigner sounding great and the audio being perfect.  I was surprised at how small of a guy Lou Gramm was.

My Grandma lived walking distance from the legendary hotel that sadly no longer exists...  and it was nice parking at her place and walking to see a show.

Was anyone else at this show?  I wasn't taking pictures back in the 90s the way I do now, so I don't have any pictures, but I still have the ticket, and the memories!

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