While I am writing about Berea, I thought now might be a good time to mention my personal all time favorite Berea hang out, Berea Coffee and Tea.
There was a small group of us that would go here on Friday nights and hang out. We had a blast here. At first, 4 or 5 of us would go. After a few months, there were about 20 or more friends showing up.
I still enjoy stopping by here whenever I can. It is a great place to just hang out, read, relax, and take in the coolness of Berea.
They have made some improvements to it since my college, days, but they haven't made an excessive amount of changes. It still has its small scale charm. The coffee always tastes fresh and unique. Oh, and go ahead and buy a slice of cheesecake. You know how sometimes you get cheesecake, and it tastes mass produced? Sometimes cheesecake doesn't taste right. Well, it always tastes right at Berea Coffee and Tea.
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