Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Santa Claus at the Keystone Fashion Mall Indianapolis

I do have a favorite Mall Santa!  The Santa at the Keystone Fashion Mall in Indianapolis is my favorite!

This is one of those odd traditions that I really didn't even realize I had going until this year.  Almost every year since 2008, we have made a trip to the mall during the Christmas season.  Without thinking about it, I always took a moment to snap a quick photo of Santa while there, always from the same angle!

From top to bottom-Santa's area in 2008 (he had stepped away when I took the photo, and I forgot to get his photo later), 2009 (getting his photo taken with a young man), 2010, 2011 (standing and waving at me), 2012 (setting and waving), and 2014.  We did not stop by in 2013.

This is probably one of the classiest malls around, with a very cool and upscale vibe.  Their Santa is cool, and the mall is always decorated for Christmas.

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