Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Friday, December 22, 2017

Random Thoughts on Friday

I was able to go see the new Star Wars:  The Last Jedi movie this week.  I won't throw out my opinion of the film (because...  who cares?), but I did notice something that I thought was kinda cool.

Did anyone else pick up on the battle at the end and it's similarities to a certain fight that went down in San Antonio in 1836?  Thank goodness the film did not end like the Battle of the Alamo, but they sure were channeling that legendary confrontation!  You had a small, ragged group forced into a small fort with no real escape options, against a massive army.  AND, Kylo Ren mimics the spirit of Santa Anna, saying something about no quarter, no prisoners.

Did I miss anything?  I would love to hear from anyone else who picked up on any Last Jedi/Alamo connections.

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