Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Sunday, October 25, 2020

"Raiding Deadwood's Bad Lands: Its Illegal History of Prostitution and Gambling" by Michael Trump

 We took the "Deadwood Brothel Tour" while we were in Deadwood, South Dakota.  Check out my video on that!

While we were there, our tour guide recommended "Raiding Deadwood's Bad Lands:  Its Illegal History of Prostitution and Gambling" by Michael Trump.  I am so glad that I took her advice and bought it!

Michael Trump has written a very clear and easy to understand history of gambling and prostitution in Deadwood.  Both have been legal (or kinda legal) going up through 1980.

If you have been to the town of Deadwood, you KNOW gambling is a big part of the town now.  VERY BIG.  Its a small town, population wise, but there are MANY casinos.

Deadwood has a solid reputation of being a lawless town.....  going back to its beginnings.  I am sure you know of the legendary names who passed through (or, who were killed) in town.  If you aren't familiar with the reputation, look it up, or go to Deadwood and take one of the many tours about its lawless reputation.

OR, you can read Michael Trump's book.  The volume is more academic than most (he gives sources...  and doesn't rely on iffy legends).

Plus, he gets into the prostitution situation in town, that was mostly ignored by locals and law enforcement until 1980.  There were raids, he explains, but the shut downs didn't last long.

He talks about the madams, the girls, and how they practiced their trade for so long.  You might find it interesting to learn about just how charitable the houses were in the community, helping out various groups.

Gambling is covered too, as the current wave of legalized gambling (starting in the late 80s) has really helped out with historic preservation.

Raiding Deadwood's Bad Lands really shows the towns entire history and this would be the perfect book to read before you go there!

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